Monday, June 10, 2024

Saying Goodbye to An Old Friend – The Death of My Blog

During my life, it has always been hard to say “Goodbye.” Sometimes, like when I am departing for a trip, it is not as difficult because I know I will return to see friends and loved ones again. However, it is those irrevocable “goodbyes” – like the death of a beloved person or pet – that are very difficult to accept and experience. Those are the moments I wish I never had to deal with and, unfortunately, I have had too many already in my life. There is no control in those moments, and the sadness is compounded because I know it is forevermore. 

One of those “goodbyes” is forthcoming. This blog – which I have called home since 2006 – will be expiring on July 1, 2024. Therefore, will be no more. My first post on this blog was a review of the TV series 24 on March 28, 2006. It and the 1,163 other articles posted here will soon be gone. Alas, like Hamlet’s Yorick, all the nuances and laughter and sadness of this blog will be gone. All the images that accompanied my posts will be vaporized. My sadness is infinite and lingering, but it is time to literally turn another page. 

My new website is being established now but, like with anything new, there are some growing pains. In one sense it is exciting to start over in a new place, but the feeling of mourning all that I put into this old blog for the last 18 years is palpable. It is, in many ways, an integral part of me. Letting it go is more than difficult but now inevitable. 

You can check out the new site when you want. Fittingly, this article will be the last one here and the first one there. It feels like the old man turning over the new year to the baby on New Year’s Day. Out with the old and in with the new. I just wish I could feel more celebratory, but my emotions are more in line with a funereal mood. 

These are the last words I will write on this blog. Before it expires, I will post the information for the new website one more time . Sometime around midnight on July 1st this blog will fade into oblivion. 

I want to thank all those readers who have come here for a visit and sometimes many more than one time. According to my analytics page – which will also fade into oblivion – I have had visitors from all over the world. So, I want to thank those who stopped by from Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Australia, Russia, China, Finland, Norway, the U.K., France, Germany, Canada, Iceland, and many more places across the globe including the United States. It has been an honor to share my thoughts and feelings with you. I hope you will visit the new website and continue to follow me. 

 Alas, poor Blogspot; I shall miss you!

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