Sunday, May 21, 2023

1000 Posts – Reflection on Writing on This Blog


1000 posts – it doesn’t seem possible that I would have that much to say/write over the years. All of these posts meant something to me; like children, writing is both loved and cherished but can also be difficult and demanding. Upon reflection of writing over a very important time of my life, I also realize that I have not only been reacting to what’s going on in my life but also the world outside my window. I marvel at the fact that I have had so much to say, and I wonder if I will be able to generate as many posts in the years to come.

My first post on this blog was a review of the TV series 24 starring Kiefer Sutherland. It was March 28, 2006. I had been reviewing the series all along at Blogcritics Magazine; however, this was the first time one of those reviews appeared on my own blog. This opened the door for me to write about not just this TV show, but many other things.

So, perhaps if you are someone new to this place, you may ask yourself – what the hell have you been writing about all these years? That is a fair and honest question. To those of you who have stayed with me for all this time, I thank you for being gracious and interested enough to follow my writing. I appreciate your interest more than you know.

I have always been writing about the time I am living in and things I am experiencing. These can be local things like the weather (good and bad). It can be about seasons, local events, world news, and even elections. I have written many articles about the teams I have loved but have suffered with – the Mets and the Jets – and I have also written about sports in general.

I have also written about my travels – places I’ve visited and loved. Writing about travel is such a joy because I am sharing experiences that I hope will inspire others to spread their wings and seek adventures in the places I have been.

I have written extensively about film and television. This can be reviews of films and TV series, but it can also be about trends in film and the emergence of streaming services Netflix and Disney+.

It’s a big world out there, so if something tickles my fancy, chances are I will write about it. Recently, I wrote about the changes in the rules in Major League Baseball, finding my childhood Cap'n Crunch treasure chest, and a review of the Disney+ series Star Wars: The Mandalorian (my 1000th post by the way). The thing is, I am never sure what I am going to write about until the lightbulb goes off over my head, and then there’s a furious tapping of keys until I have written what I am happy enough to share.

So, with this article I embark on the voyage to the next 1,000 posts – or how ever many I am inspired to share. Again, thanks for your support and interest in my work. It has been a pleasure to be here, and I will be as long as I think I have something worth writing about.

Until next time, I will leave you with a quote from everyone’s favorite Vulcan: “Live long and prosper!”


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