Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Thousands of People Form Human Peace Sign Celebrating John Lennon’s 75th Birthday

First appeared on Blogcritics. On Tuesday, October 6, 2015, the sight of thousands of human beings coming together to do something to stress the importance of peace was a powerful symbolic act; knowing that it was done in New York City’s Central Park to honor John Lennon and recognize what would have been his 75th birthday (October 9th) is an emotionally stunning and aesthetically beautiful achievement.

In this world that seems to constantly devolve away from any hopes for peace, it is encouraging to realize that people still believe in it and hope that it is possible. We are not so irreparably damaged by all the unrest in the world, no so inured to acts of violence that we refuse to believe in change and, most importantly, in the inherent good nature of most human beings.

If nothing else, this human peace sign shows that the cause of peace that John Lennon promoted during his lifetime is not only remembered but has stood the test of decades. Hard as it is to believe, John will be gone 35 years this December.

john 2-japantimesThis happening, orchestrated by Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono, reminds us all of two of John’s most powerful and enduring songs: “Give Peace a Chance” and “Imagine.” While some jaded individuals like to believe that those songs are no longer meaningful or have impact, just witnessing the throngs of people gathered in Central Park for the expressed purpose of creating a living symbol to commemorate the creator of those songs is proof enough that they still matter.

 Yoko explains the importance of this gathering:
Because he really worked hard on trying to make things better for people, you know, and so this is a very, very positive thing that's happened. I think it's very important to be doing it in New York City which we've never been here before and we New Yorkers have to really be activists and not just say things but do it. And we're doing it now.
Fittingly enough the crowd that made this huge living peace sign was comprised of people from all walks of life and many different age groups, including those who had not been born before Lennon, who became famous as a Beatle and afterwards called New York City his home, died in December 1980. This is another indication of Lennon’s legacy being more than secure for many years to come.

It is easy to become jaded in these difficult times in which we live, but this human peace sign should provide comfort and joy for people all over the world. Peace should not be a pipe dream, but something that can be achieved if the human race comes together to overcome differences and change the world. John sang about war being over if we want it to be. My only question is how can anyone not want it to be over when we are all witnesses to the horrors of wars in these decades since John was taken from us.

john-lennon-peaceJohn also sang about giving peace a chance, and thousands of people put that into action on one glorious day in New York City. Now it’s time for us all to look in the mirror and ask ourselves if we want peace and what we are going to do to make it so.

  Photo credits:, japantimes, 

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