Saturday, September 21, 2024

Batman's 85th Anniversary: Celebrating the Dark Night!


It is Batman's 85th Anniversary, so it is time to celebrate the Dark Knight. Batman first appeared in 1939's Detective Comics #27 . This was the beginning of a journey that has taken the character through various incarnations in his appearances in comics, TV shows, movies, and animated series, making Batman an icon that is recognizable all over the world 

In my opinion, he is arguably the greatest superhero of all. For me, Batman stands out from the crowd because he has no super powers like Hawkeye over at Marvel. Batman is cunning, determined, tech savvy, and a skilled detective, making him a more than worthy opponent.

Yes, he does have some advantages courtesy of his endless flow of cash. This allows him opportunities to design a custom suits (including armor), gadgets galore, and vehicles that help him have an edge when he is fighting crime. Still, when he comes face to face with villains who have super strength, it his gritty perseverance for justice that propels him forward.

Of course, the back story of Bruce Wayne is integral to Batman's success. We can all empathize with his desire to fight for justice after witnessing the deaths of his parents who are killed by a criminal. But, instead of going for carnage like Marvel's Punisher, Batman has a "no kill" policy as he battles the bad guys, but that does not mean he is above beating them to a pulp. 

I have included a video above of the tour of Warner Brothers Studio in Hollywood, where they are celebrating this anniversary, and below I have included a video retrospective of Batman over the years.

Enjoy this day and experiencing Batman in many available formats any day of the year

Batman forever!!   

Saturday, August 31, 2024

What Was It Like to See 'Star Wars' in 1977?


What was it like to see Star Wars in 1977? Let's say it was like experiencing Christmas and my birthday all at once. I was a teenager who went with my friends and stood on line outside a theater on a cool May evening not knowing what to expect. 

I had seen the trailer for the film on TV, but it just stoked my imagination without giving me too much to go on. It seemed to be like nothing I had seen before. As a huge fan of the Star Trek original television series, I was wondering if it would be like that, but there were no phasers, transporter beam ups, or Vulcan nerve pinches to be seen. 

I sat down in my seat, munched some popcorn, and saw those famous words: "A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away..." And with those words I slipped out of 1977 into an unimaginable world of droids, light sabers, stormtroopers, and the valiant trio of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) following the lead of wise old Jedi Obi Wan (Ben) Kenobi (Alec Guinness) in a battle of good against evil.   

The movie was like nothing I had ever seen before. There were aliens on the Star Trek, but not as prominent as in this movie. There was a story with which I could immediately connect, and fellow teenager Luke was feeling all the familiar angst that I felt in my life. 

Of course, there was the iconic villain Darth Vader (played by David Prowse and voiced by James Earl Jones). He appeared more threatening and scary than any villain I had ever seen in a movie or on TV.  George Lucas had provided classic heroes and villains but in a formula that I had never experienced before. 

Imagine the pristine world of communication in 1977. There was no internet back then, and my options for information were extremely limited. Before I saw the film, I heard nothing about it except what we knew from the trailer and articles in magazines. I actually could go into that theater spoiler free, and now I realize how much I miss those days.

I would go on to see the next two movies, waiting long years in between the two. Later on, I would see all the rest of the films and watch Star Wars content on Disney+. My teenage friends had been replaced by my son as my fellow avid fan, and we have shared a love for Star Wars that never ends, even with social media causing ripples in our enjoyment due to unnecessary negativity about certain shows or characters. None of this deters us from enjoying the Star Wars galaxy that we love.

Please watch the video which captures the excitement and essence of those rather innocent days of May 1977. It will make you wish for that time and place that is not that long ago and in a galaxy we all still call home. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Are You Visiting NYC? Don't Forget To Go To Some Great Nearby Beaches!


New York City is one of the most popular destinations for tourists from all over the world. Visitors come all year long to go to Broadway shows, visit museums, and see all our world famous attractions.

If you come during the summer months, NYC can be extremely hot for visitors. Many people don't realize that there are some of the world's most beautiful pristine sandy beaches just a train/car ride away on Long Island.

Check out the video and find the best location for you and your family during your next visit to NYC. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

New Review of My Book 'Unicorn: A Love Story'


There is a new review of my novel Unicorn: A Love Story. It comes from a reader based on the very popular Online Book Club. Please check out the review and let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you for your continued support!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Can You Be a ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Star Wars’ Fan? Indeed, You Can!



Can you be a Star Trek and Star Wars fan? Indeed, you can! There has been a debate about this question for decades now, and I can tell you that I have always been a fan of both; however, there are the purists among us who are set on the notion that you must choose sides. This is mostly based on their fierce allegiance to one over the other, but that only deprives them from enjoying the fine content that they are missing.

My History

'Lost in Space' Robot

When I was a kid, the debate was more a question about Lost in Space (1965-1968) and Star Trek (1966-1969). I was very young and since LIS came first, I was attracted to the young boy Will Robinson (Bill Mumy) and the Robot (Bob May’s voice). I wished I could be like him on a spaceship with my family.

ST came out the following year, and this is when silly controversies started. I was not going to watch ST at first, but after hearing other kids talk about it, I gave it a chance. There was simply no comparison between the two. My young mind was more attracted to ST right away. The Robinsons in LIS were always stranded on the same planet, while Kirk (William Shatner), Spock (Leonard Nimoy), and the rest of the crew were planet hopping every week. Series creator Gene Roddenberry set the standard for a science fiction television series.

Star Wars Changes the Game

Some 'Star Wars' action figures

In 1977 there were a good many old ST fans waiting in line to see the first Star Wars (now called A New Hope) movie. I was enthusiastic about seeing the film because I read somewhere that ST was a big influence on George Lucas. In a more recent interview, Lucas admitted that Star Wars “stood on the shoulders” of Star Trek. I really appreciate George being a fan of ST and admitting it.

I was blown away by the first movie. Just as I was a little kid like Will Robinson in LIS, now I was a teenager like Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). There was planet hopping galore in this film, great space battles, and the thing that really set it apart from ST – this thing called the Force and the Jedi who used it and lightsabers to battle evil.

 Looking Back

When I think about it now, I never made a choice between ST and SW. As the Trek movies started to come out, I went to see them. When the SW movies came out, I did the same. I was a fan of both because I loved both galaxies. I never made a choice because I did not have to.

How I Feel Now

My son has been big Star Wars fan since he was young. We watched the first six movies and then went to see the sequel trilogy as each film came out. We watched SW: The Cone Wars, SW Rebels, and even SW Resistance (all animated series). Along the way, Disney+ came into being and thus we had access to all SW content including new shows like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka.

Watching Trek Al Over Again

Main characters from 'StarTrek' original series

Earlier this year, my son brought up ST. He wanted to know why we never watched it. I admitted that I did not want to go into that storyline when he was younger – yes, I guess I dropped the ball there, but in my defense, there was just so much content, and I was not sure how to fit it in because we watch other shows and films as well.

At this point we have watched the original series and six movies associated with it. He became very attached to the original characters and the Enterprise itself. When the ship blew up in the third film, he was genuinely upset (as was I all over again).

We are now watching the first season of ST: The Next Generation (thank you Paramount+). My son has gravitated toward the character of Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) who is a teenager like himself trying to navigate in a world of adults. The first season is particularly hard on Wesley, and I can see why my son is hoping for him to succeed.

A Gift

Watching ST and SW has been a gift to my son and me, because we are bonding over films and TV series that have been part of my life for many years. Seeing him excited about the content of both brings me joy. We are also collecting new figures and sets from the ST galaxy, but since he has so many more SW items, we have a long way to go before there can be some balance.

Give The Other Side a Chance

All I can say to those of you out there who are avid fans of ST or SW and vehemently opposed to watching the other, please try to give the other galaxy a chance. You are missing so much storytelling, great characters, and truly enjoyable experiences.

So, to SW fans, I hold up my hand with my middle and ring fingers split apart and say, “Live Long and Prosper.” To ST fans, I put my hand over my heart and say “May the Force be with you.” Now it is up to you to cross over and give yourself a chance to explore that other galaxy. I promise you that you will be glad that you did.




Saturday, July 13, 2024

My New Short Story Is on Reedsy Prompts


I have a new short story, "Polaroid Dreams," on Reedsy Prompts. It's about a man who finds a Polaroid photo of a pretty girl in his new apartment. He falls in love with her and the thought of her. Problems arise when she materializes in the flesh and wants to pursue a relationship.  

Please check it out and give me a like if you enjoy the story.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

My New Website Is Live!


Hello. If you have been a frequent visitor here, I wanted to tell you about my new website. 

My new content will be appearing there starting on Monday, July 1, 2024; however, it is 

live, and you can check it out now. 

I hope that you will follow me there as you have done here. I appreciate your support!